(Frederique Lanoix)
“The truth is a vital energy that I appreciate.” DR Gabor Maté
Many of us are having issues in terms of affordability and suitability regarding our housing status, thus the importance of keeping the discussion alive with the goal of finding adapted and feasible solutions.
We know that 4266 people who were homeless last autumn in the UK, this includes 900 in the southeast region (homeless.org.uk) are being guided to have access to temporary housing solutions such as hostels.
Also, if you worry about paying rent and leases, guidance is available for landlords & tenants which you can find below:
For landlords: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-and-renting-guidance-for-landlords-tenants-and-local-authorities
For tenants:
A long term solution may be to consider community housing group actions.
Before exploring this option you should try to understand what type of community you would like to be part of and think about building your own.
Have a look at the following link which can inspire you to build your own community housing group:
The process can be difficult and requires you to think about how and what to negotiate with local authorities and with housing owners. Also, what would be the best location, if there are outdoors spaces, local shops available, who the repairs responsibility will fall onto and, of course your own well being during the process of answering to those critical questions.
It is a lot to consider, and not everyone has the mean or the physical and/or mental ability to go trough it.
I would argue that if you have a dream and the will to achieve it, you can make it happen with your community. However, do spend some time checking stories and reaching out to people who are already in the process of building their dreams, through a community housing group so that it can become your experience. Thus, your truth !
With Luv,