I stumbled onto the video of Black woman double house value by having white friend pose as owner (msn.com) (www.msn.com, n.d.)and it has brought many feelings such as fear, deep sadness and anger.
My fear came from the fact that once again I had to witness a black person suffering. Meanwhile, the sadness is always there because I am expecting those unfortunate events to happen to me and those who look like me. Finally, the anger brings courage and strength so that I can carry on with the hardship of being black.
I felt compelled to write this post in order to express my deep disappointment and that I believe that it is about time before BAME’s and particularly black women will get compensated for the harsh words, behaviours and humiliating institutional processes we had and still have to endure because of the colour of our skin.
And my heart goes to all the black women out there who have to work whilst studying and take care of their family and friends with little or no emotional and/or financial support.
I know how it looks like, I know how it feels and I know that after getting to the realisation that your body has no more room for resilience and patience you need to tell to the world to stop being so mean and patronising.
We black women are not being valued, appreciated or respected. Enough is enough !!!
We deserve way better than some pictures being held onto a website as a sign of acceptance and representation. Change needs to be implemented and kept in a way that is beneficial for black women to thrive.
Life should not be be about getting by the next challenge as a black person; and as a black women it is a tale of going round and round in order to just survive.
Let us be, let us breath and let us have peace in our environment!
To all my sisters,
With Luv
www.msn.com. (n.d.). Black woman double house value by having white friend pose as owner. [online] Available at: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/black-woman-double-house-value-by-having-white-friend-pose-as-owner/vi-BB1gJlyH?ocid=msedgntp [Accessed 14 May 2021].