Glued by a GoriLLA 



It was 5 am when I discovered the story of a woman who accidentally glued her hair with a super strong chemical made to bond objects. Unfortunately, she has permanently glued her hair on her scalp which has generated a physical and emotional discomfort for her, to say the least . 


“The chemical process that super glue undergoes is called anionic polymerization. This dries up the water to create the bond, and the heat this process generates can even burn your skin.”  ( , 2011)

So, Mrs Brown may suffer permanently from her injuries and become part of the disabled community due to this situation.  


Some have been very supportive of her but others have been less considerate by labelling her as “stupid” (Williams, 2021) and shown no compassion for her struggle. 


Although, one may be tempted to react as if this lady deserves to be bullied and publicly shamed because of her action. But, I think that as a human being named Tessica Brown (Entertainment Tonight, 2021), this mother of 3 has a heart, a soul and emotions like myself. 


Furthemore, I feel uneased by the way in which she has been shamed because it also shows how black women are poorly treated by their peers and by society at large. 


However, I would like to add that this incident might suggest that it may be time for black women to embrace their natural beauty instead of wearing wigs and using chemicals on their hair and the rest of their body, for that matter. 


On this note, I wish Ms Brown all the best and a speedy recovery. 


With Luv 





Entertainment Tonight (2021). Tessica Brown Wishes She NEVER Posted Gorilla Glue Video: Her Message to the Internet (Exclusive)YouTube. Available at: [Accessed 11 Feb. 2021].

Williams, W. (2021). Monday, February 8YouTube. Available at: [Accessed 11 Feb. 2021]. (2011). Why is super glue so strong? [online] HowStuffWorks. Available at: